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Interactive Session
XR, Artificial Intelligence
Digital Bavaria: AI, the Metaverse, and the New Realities Award Ceremony
28.6.24, 07:00
Dome Stage
Welcome to Day 2 of the Festival of the Future! We are excited to begin with Dr. Fabian Mehring, Bavaria's State Minister for Digital Affairs, who will outline his plans to digitize public administration and position Bavaria as a leading AI hub. Dr. Mehring will also discuss the potential of the Metaverse for education and industry, highlighting the transformative possibilities for these sectors.
Following his presentation, Dr. Mehring will engage in a conversation with Wolfgang Kerler, Editor-in-Chief of 1E9, to delve deeper into the future of digital innovation in Bavaria.
We will also be announcing the winner of the New Realities Competition, recognizing exceptional ideas and talent in the field of XR.
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