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Guided Tour
Arts & Culture, Society
GUIDED TOUR: Enchanted Encounters: The Flora and Fauna of Future Island
27.6.24, 13:30
Experience Area
Embark on a whimsical journey through the Experience Area of the festival with our thematic tour, "Welcome to Future Island." Immerse yourself in artistic wonders that merge technology with the fantastical possibilities of living with new species and ecosystems. Encounter singing sheep that serenade your senses, delicate plants that seem almost ethereal, and fragrant experiences that transport you to other realms. Discover species thriving in vintage TV sets and the haunting presence of digital spirits. Venture into the mysterious Quantum Jungle, where reality and imagination intertwine. Cap off this enchanting tour with a tasting of Martian mineral water. Prepare to be dazzled by the magical flora and fauna of Future Island!
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