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Welcome to Future Island!

Speakers 2024

Leif-Nissen Lundbæk

CEO & Co-Founder


Dr Leif-Nissen Lundbæk is FORBES 30Under30 Listmaker and the co-founder and CEO of the next genAI company Xayn. The European startup unlocks genAI for large organizations and develops Europe’s first sovereign Legal AI Noxtua with special insights, input, and legal expertise from the international business law firm CMS.

Prior to founding Xayn, Leif-Nissen Lundbæk worked at Daimler AG and IBM. He holds a degree in Economics from Humboldt University in Berlin, an MSc in Mathematics from Heidelberg University, an MSc with Distinction in Software Engineering from Oxford University, and a PhD in Computer Science from Imperial College London.


Speaker at 1E9 Events

Festival der Zukunft 2024

Festival der Zukunft 2024

Festival der Zukunft 2023

Festival der Zukunft 2023

Leif-Nissen Lundbæk
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