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#Neuroscience #MedTech #BrainInterface

Carolina Aguilar


INBRAIN Neuroelectronics

I’m a learner and a shaper, I like equally strategy and execution and believe on evolution through creativity and de-learning. I really get motivated by big challenges and like to execute in global environments both in emerging and developed markets. I believe in teams and the power of collective thinking. People make companies and is the most important asset of all, a motivated team will conquer the world.
I have more than 15 years of expertise in healthcare (Medical Devices in Neuromodulation, Diabetes & others) in addition to consumer goods experience. Love to cross-pollinate ideas between the scientific and FMCG worlds.
I realised soon the brain is one of our most important organs, the one that keep us human and sane and thus I have dedicated most of my personal and professional time to it. Attracted by brain interfaces I joined the world's biggest Medtech, Medtronic, to lead the most advance neural interface program at that time in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). For 10 years in DBS I have been managing complex businesses in this field and a P&L of more than $140M together with large local and global teams that generated high single to double digit growth % Year Over Year
Operating in global markets has given me a very wide perspective and capacity to drive global initiatives while localising important development & commercialisation aspects key to success. In recent years I got involved in Value Based Healthcare where I drove the expansion of the first VBHC provider model in Diabetes for Medtronic (Diabeter, becoming a Harvard Business School Case). Having implemented and expanded successfully such a major program I have understood the importance of developing and implementing programs driven by the outcomes that matter to patients as a means to patient empowerment and healthcare sustainability.
Having been for that long in the corporate side I decided it was time to make a key contribution to the speed of critical innovation and recently co-founded INBRAIN Neuroelectronics in the field of Bioelectronics with an incredible team coming from the nanoscience field, Medtronic and Philips. Taking into account VBHC principles, we are building the next generation of neural interfaces with graphene, the new material that provided the Nobel Prize to 2 key researchers coming from Manchester University. Thus we are a spin-off from the Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Institute of Catalonia (ICN2) using proprietary technology from the collaborative efforts between ICN2 and Manchester University looking for a definite solution to brain disorders. We are decoding brain signals into sustainable medical solutions!

My motto is" The best way to predict the future is to create it" P. Drucker

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Carolina Aguilar
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