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Tomal K. Ganguly


Centauri Web3 Consortium

Tomal K. Ganguly is a dynamic speaker and industry expert in the revolutionary fields of DLT, Web3, and Metaverse. As Senior Manager and Head of Blockchain in a top consulting firm, he guides organizations through the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies, providing valuable strategic advice and technological insights.

Tomal serves as well as an Advisor at THE HUB DAO (formerly known as MetaGameHub), a cutting-edge platform ecosystem in the Metaverse, where he provides valuable insights at the intersection of virtual reality and blockchain technology. And as a Co-Founder of the Centauri Web3 Consortium, he spearheads a pioneering initiative focused on education, enablement, and standardization within the Web3 space.

Tomal's journey has taken him across various international locations like Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Paris, Dubai and Munich. His early involvement and profound understanding of technology have positioned him as a respected and valuable contributor, driving innovation and shaping the future.

Sessions (TBD)

Speaker at 1E9 Events

Festival der Zukunft 2023

Festival der Zukunft 2023

Tomal K. Ganguly
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